I will be teaching a two-day class, ‘Best of Both - Silver metal clay textures and soldered construction’, at BeadFX in Toronto.
When: Saturday, August 17, 10:00am – 5:00pm; and Sunday, August 18, 11:00am – 4:30pm
Course outline: While silver metal clay is a wonderful material to work with, on occasion it is simply easier to use traditional metal work techniques to achieve a design. This class will focus on how to combine wonderfully textured metal clay elements in traditional metalwork designs. No longer worry about calculating shrinkage rates in rings, or whether a bezel will shrink too much and no longer fit the stone intended for the design.
Students will create textured metal clay components on the first day of the class, and project planning will be discussed. The second day will involve soldering, any stone setting or soldered embellishments as well as metal polishing and finishing. Ring or pendant projects are welcome.
For more information, or for class registration, please see the BeadFX website.